Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Old People

I am walking Monkey (the dog) down the street as an elderly couple approaches holding hands. It was like one of those commercials for a Diamond is Forever. As they get close I catch a bit of the conversation:

Elderly Man: When I was a boy my mom would make spaghetti with meat sauce, sometimes she even made sloppy joes.
Elderly Woman: What a cute dog!

The couple release their hands to walk around me and said dog. As the couple separates, the woman lets out a thunderous fart. Nothing more is said. They re-embrace as they pass me.

A fart is forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Barry,

I don't know if you noticed, but your competitor is not allowing his readership to comment anymore. You are now my favorite blogger. Also let's have a post about your Thanksgiving festivities.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Ex-fan of the Soldier