Friday, November 14, 2008

Fear of pleated pants and blood clots

It has been a rough week for my company. There was a layoff and I honestly can say I don't wish being jobless on anyone right now. By anyone I am really referring to myself. Whereas some people with OCD have an insane fear of prison I have an insane fear of going to work at some big corporation. Can you picture the horror? I am wearing tan pleated dockers with a sweet cuff. Just to finish the pants off we will say they are an inch too short. I go to sleep dreaming that the following morning I will wake up working IT in some cube surrounded by Patels. No offense my Indian brothers. I must do everything in my power to make sure that never happens.

Oh and I have a weird bruise on my left arm this morning. Fear of a heart attack is also in the cards for the day. Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

indeed, the pleated pant represents the bland mediocrity that has come to define corporate america.

the good news is you don't have to worry about going to work at a big corporation. they are laying off people by the thousands and aren't hiring anyone at all!