Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman franchise goes down in flames

I feel bad. I am sure somewhere, somehow, somebody worked very hard on making Spiderman 3 come to life. Sadly, they didn't work hard enough. The movie was spider duece. I am convinced both Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst attended the Charles 'Corky' Thacher Acting School. Yes, I am saying they both have down syndrome.

If a movie costs a couple hundred million to make, you would think they could afford to digitally remove at least six of Mr. Maguire's eight chins. As for Kirstin Dunst, how about an on set dentist? Don't even get me started on the Peter Parker dance number.


Anonymous said...

Only one thing to say, its proved now that Spiderman is gay, dont knw if Tobey M is.

Anonymous said...

Although I sort of enjoyed the movie, it's now official: the chickflication of modern mythology is now the new "new" thing. I can't believe Stan Lee actually went for this one.

Not to be outdone, rumor has it that DC Comics is starting production on Aquaman, starring Fabio. When asked to explain away the rough accent, the screenwriters insisted that Atlantian sounds very much like Italian, a fact heretofore ignored in DC mythology.

More details as they develop.