Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Departed

I saw The Departed yesterday and all I have to say is "wow." Actually that isn't all I have to say but it is a start. Most people will see the movie for Nicholson or DiCaprio. I say go see it for Mark Wahlberg. His character and dialogue were amazing. I can imagine Scorsese coaching him:

Scorsese - "Just play yourself if you never made it out of Boston."
Wahlberg - "Shut up, you dumb guinea!!"
Scorsese - "I think you're ready."

Mark Walbherg has officially redeemed himself for making Planet of the Apes. Now that I think about it, what is with Mark Wahlberg making nothing but remakes?


pity_meals said...

Really? I thought Alec Baldwin had better one-liners. I do agree, a must see.

Your Girl Friday said...

Can't wait to see this.

I'm totally in love with Mark Walberg. Can't help it.

But I'm not sure if he could EVER redeem himself from that "music career".

Every time I see him on screen I start humming THAT song.

It's haunting.

For him too I'm sure...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hear you. I've gotten past Marky Mark's past of beating and robbing gay people in Southie, but I'll never forgive him for those Funky Bunch videos