Friday, April 23, 2010

Heir Apparent

If you've been following the news lately, you've probably read that the producers of South Park censored a recent episode after being threatened by a domestic Muslim group called Revolution Muslim (sweet name). The implications of this sort of coersion are very serious, not only for nationally aired satire shows like South Park, but for the Barry Rides community as well. Particularly when one considers that Barry works in the same building as the South Park creators.

So, since Barry's probably got a week or so left before a plane crashes into his cubicle, I figured now's as good as ever to let you all know that I'll be the new editor-in-chief of The Barry Jake Rides. Beginning next week, I'll be accepting internship applications.

Below is an image of what Barry's last few minutes on Earth will probably look like*.

*This is not to imply that Barry will necessarily be killed by the Libyan Nationalists from Back to the Future, but he is certain to have Parkinson's.


Barry said...

Fucking awesome and yes it is true. I work above the South Park studio. Security has been beefed up and the South Park sign has been covered by a trash bag. So if you are a Muslim out for blood do not look for the sign covered with a trash bag if you plan to kill Cartman

Randy Sexer said...

+1 for Jake