Monday, October 06, 2008

Mickey Mouse Hands

I have been told over the years that I have large hands. Well large hands would have been a compliment. I have been told that I have the following:
*French Toast Stick fingers
*Fish Stick Fingers
*Sausage Link fingers
*Smooth Down Syndrome Hands (no lines)
*Fat Fingers

and the best, by my girlfriend's mother, Mickey Mouse hands. Look what she sent me for my birthday.

Me typing this post

Sadly they are quite comfortable.


Anonymous said...

did you say you were 33?! because your hair seems to be thinning in that top picture of you.

Randy Sexer said...

Holy shit, that's what you look like?!

Jesus, you look like Sara Palin with shorter hair and smaller muscles.

Also, not as smart.

Randy Sexer said...

Although, if you put some lipstick on, I might hit it.