Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gym Douche

I recently found myself reading Men's Health when I came across an article regarding that guy who plays the "transporter". It was all about how he got in sick shape by working out at some gym near LAX. The article included a link to the gym's website. The gym supposedly specializes in unconventional workouts; climbing ropes, kettle balls, etc. Being that I have become a serious fat ass lately, I figured I would get in contact with the gym and see if I could sign up for a few sessions with a trainer. Here is the email exchange between me and the gym:

My initial email:

Hi Logan,

I saw the article in Men's Health regarding your training. I live in Los Angeles and would like to meet with you to see if you could train me. I think the article said your gym was around LAX. Shoot me an email or call so we can discuss.



The douchey response:

Hi Barry,

Thanks for inquiring about Epoch Training.

Hopefully the following will answer some or all of your questions regarding our efforts.

Our main facility is located in Los Angeles. We do not have packages, programs for the public or anything even close to memberships. Our clients aren't barcodes, screen names or numbers. Tours of the facility are not an option. We're not being elitist or aloof, that's just how it is for now. We are working on projects until '08 so no new clients will begin before then.

Here's how we work. Epoch provides training to individuals and small groups after an initial screening interview and training session. If the potential client has the right mindset, motivation and discipline to reach their stated goals, a training cycle will be agreed upon and the fees will be established. Training can cease at any time if the client is not meeting their end of the agreement and making the type of progress they are capable of making.

Regarding the simplicity of our web presence, there's no gentle way to say it so here it is. We don't have the time and are not concerned with displaying our craft to those who aren't actively participating in it. The online fitness model is out there already. Epoch Training isn't in line with simple pre-packed fitness programs that are more accessible and marketable to the masses. Unless one becomes actively involved with us, the site and this email are the only information publicly available regarding Epoch Training.

We do not utilize "a program." The training cannot be easily or completely described as it is tailored for each individual and the context in which we find ourselves. Our knowledge and the training progressions of our clients are constantly evolving. Of course, we utilize the following: intervals, "strongman" type activities, rowing, Olympic & power lifting, sprinting/running, gymnastic/body weight movements, trail running & hiking, circuits, Military O-course type events, agility/stability drills and whatever seems right in a given context. These methods and more are mixed in whatever fashion is appropriate for a given individual's goals, ability level and temperament. Variability and creativity make particular, purely physical descriptions insufficient and distracting.

All of this is then stacked on top of serious discussion regarding nutrition and other lifestyle factors that influence health and performance. We do our best to explore and modify outside factors that can either help or hinder progress in the gym. It's all related. The totality of lifestyle stresses; nutrition, sleep/recovery, personal relationships, physical injuries, etc. seems to be what holds people back so that is addressed alongside the training itself.

If Epoch sounds right for you and you'd like to be considered as a client, please tell us more about yourself and what you're after.

Thank you for being curious. We wish you the best in your pursuit of a more complete and effective training regimen.



My absurd response:


I served in Long Range Recon Patrols in Southeast Asia. Left the service to study mystic martial arts with the Arashikage family. I was living an ascetic existence alone in the High Sierras with a pet wolf named Timber when I decided I needed to get back in the game. I have been living in Los Angeles for the past few months. I am looking to sharpen my skills and my overall cardiovascular shape so I can sign up for another tour with the special forces. I read the article about the transporter guy and was intrigued.

The ultimate comeback:

Gosh Barry, if you studied under Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes I highly doubt there's anything you could possibly learn from Epoch Training.

Take care,

He seemed like a douche but the fact that he knows his GIJOE means he isn't all bad.

Well played


Anonymous said...

guaranteed he just googled "arashikage family."

He does sound like a douche but he's likely pulled down a ton of emails from people all trying to meet Jayson Stathan or whatever the hell his name is. If you really want to train there, i'd chase it back down. He's prolly got like 500 emails from chuckleheads looking to train there he's trying to sort through.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw Franklin Talltree and Brad J. Armbruster getting it on in the locker room at LA Fitness on San Vicente...


Ha! I ran into a guy who trains with Logan today...I then sent Logan an email inquiring about training, before reading this post.

I'm super curious what response I'll get now.

I'll keep you posted.

Mike in L.A.

p.s. Have you found a good place to train yet? (hint hint)

Anonymous said...

The response from Logan Hood seems straightforward and cool. The only douche is you, Barry, for not doing your homework about Epoch.

Anonymous said...

Er.. Jason Statham was a national-level swimming champ before he got scouted by Guy Ritchie. That's how he got that build.

How he maintains it is another question.

Anonymous said...

I realize that this event took place about 5 years ago, but I had to make a comment. I actually know Logan from before he became a Fitness Instructor and way before Epoch Training. In "real life" Logan has an awesome personality with a fun sense of humor and a "cool as shit"attitude, in addition, he truly cares about his clients and is amazingly intuitive and patient when developing and tailoring each individual's training. That being said, he also is very serious about his work and keeps a level of professionalism at all times. I can't even imagine how many emails/inquiries Logan has to deal with from idiots with no real interest in fitness training! Having, myself, tested his temper and frustration level "back in the day", I really have to laugh thinking about the level of annoyance he must have on a daily basis! LOL Guess that SeAL discipline training comes in handy in multiple aspects!!!