Thursday, September 06, 2007

Oprah's Vagina

Last night I realized why the creators of South Park are rich and I am not. I caught an older episode where Oprah's vagina and anus take hostages so they can escape to France. It doesn't end well for them. First the anus gets it, then the vag. Isn't that how it always happens? A bunch of other clever stuff happens but I can't get past her vag holding a revolver.



Anonymous said...

I worry about you - alot. I like the new look - but would you please post a little more????

8675309 said...

Yep Barry, that was me & Truman at Ronnie's just now (with a former boss, enlisting his help with Truman's upcoming Halloween costume). Totally weird, but wish you would have said something -- I love it when worlds collide. Crazy!