After visiting my father at the hospital, Lewis asked my aunt to stop at the supermarket so he could purchase some bottled water and yogurt. While he shopped, my aunt and I waited in the car. Ten minutes go by and my brother comes out holding a bag of groceries in one hand and a hotdog with all the fixins in the other. He opens the door and asks me if I would like the 'dog. As my aunt is screaming that he is going to ruin his lunch, Lewis counters with he will throw it away since it was a free sample anyway. Before Lewis gets the word 'sample' out, a ninety year old man dressed as a hot dog salesman waddles out the store with a bewildered look on his face. He wanted payment for the hotdog that Lewis swiped from his cart. They weren't samples!! Lewis just neglected to see the price sign. In typical fashion Lewis had no cash on him so he returned the hotdog and told the cashier he would be right back to pay. He jumped into the back of my uncle's Lexus and we sped away. My uncle's exact words were "Lewis is simple."

I'm glad you're finding something to laugh about. Hang in there.
I always knew Lewis was a 'special' guy. Hope things are better.
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