Thursday, May 05, 2011

Kent, I want 500 words on this by the morning....

Generally I'm not superstitious, but I'm beginning to believe the rumor that the cast of the Superman movies was cursed. First you had Margot Kidder going bat-shit, taking her teeth out, and moving into a bush. Sure that was bad, but she was Canadian, so it seemed to make sense. Then there was Marlon Brando, he got super-fat and his kid killed some people, but again who doesn't that happen to? Christopher Reeve fell off of a horse and subsequently required a nurse to massage the poop out of him. Tragic and awful, but come on, horse jumping? That's just slightly less dangerous than Thunderdome. So while everyone said the cast was cursed, I was able to chalk all of these things up to coincidence.

That is, until I read this morning's news. Apparently Jackie Cooper, the actor that played the newspaper editor, Perry White, died yesterday in a nursing home. He was 88 years old. In the words of someone much wiser than myself:

...and it is in the humble opinion of this
narrator that this is not just "Something
That Happened." This cannot be "One of those
things..." This, please, cannot be that.
And for what I would like to say, I can't.
This Was Not Just A Matter Of Chance.
-Ricky Jay, Magnolia

What sort of evil shit went down on that movie set in order to bring on this type of karmic-shitstorm? Maybe the movie was filmed on an Indian burial-ground, or maybe Jimmy Olsen punched a gypsy between takes. Whatever the story is, if you ever see Terrence Stamp walking towards you on the sidewalk, I suggest you cross the street.

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