Sometimes I worry about my brother. He stopped shaving awhile ago. He likes to let the beard grow for about a month so it gets super scratchy, then when he can't take it anymore he has The Shave of Beverly Hills clean it off. That is all fine and dandy but they went out of business a few weeks ago. Now I am worried he will be walking around his apartment with a billy goat beard and shoe boxes stuffed with cum rags for shoes. It is like he is the poor man's Howard Hughes. No jars of urine yet but I am pretty sure his pants are full of shit. Wow this went off topic quick. I just wanted to wish my brother a happy birthday. Thirty seven years ago my mom was rushed to the ER and after seven hours, three feet of intestine and my brother emerged from her anus. It was a great day.
Enjoy the day you fag!

*Good news The Shave has reopened! It's a birthday miracle.
I think that pic of me with the stripper was taken after having gone to The Shave
I guess that stripper made a house call. The smile is straight out of the loony bin
This guys looks like a retard!
We have it on good authority that he IS gay..................stop faking it.
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