Monday, February 18, 2008

Celebrity Arch Nemesis - John Mayer

Without even taking music into account, I hate John Mayer. Let's look at the facts:
Collects vintage Rolexs - I have to wait for people to die to get mine.
Drives a blue Defender - I also drive a blue Defender - draw
Entering the Gumball 3000 - Do I even need to comment on this rally of epic proportions?

I could go on but my anger has overwhelmed me. Thankfully I am not taking into account that he has talent or bangs Hollywood starlets.

Check out John Mayer's blog


COL said...

a cursory review of his blog verifies his douchiness.

although, he DID win points from me years ago when he appeared on MTV's True Life.

He was fun. He dressed up in an ape suit and went around tailgating at one of his own concerts.

Anonymous said...

You have another reason to hate him. Vivian wants to marry him. The fact she loves him so much should only help to fuel your hatred.
