Tonight was my first ride since I decided to ride more and bitch less. It was also my first night ride alone. I wasn't sure what to expect. It was nice to be out there solo. It gave me a bit of fear that helped me move along. Sadly I now know that fear really doesn't make me go that fast. I am so the fat kid in the horror movie who gets killed first because he fell down while everyone else ran away or it could be because I was eating a sandwich while everyone ran away. Anyway here were tonight's stats:
I took the Westridge fireroad to the Nike base. There I turned around and started to ride the singletrack back but honestly I ran out of steam. I ended up cutting off the trail and getting back on the fireroad. It kinda sucked but I have to start somewhere. The loop was about 8 miles and it took me an hour and three minutes. Not bad considering I stopped to take some photos. Trail conditions weren't bad except in a few areas. I expected more errorsion from the rains a couple of weeks ago. I took some pics of where the trail had the worst errosion. In this one area I completely pussed and walked due to the fear of breaking a leg with no one but coyotes to help me. Some how I don't think they would help that much.
I am planning to ride again Saturday. Hopefully this time I can get some people to come with me. I would like to at least go faster than someone.
Will post again soon.

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